Whaaaat a craft post, from me? I bet you didn't see that coming! :)
I've recently become Obsessed (<-see that capitol O? That's for extra emphasis!) with Lush products. If you don't know what Lush is, it's a sort of hippieish cosmetic/bath products store. All of their products are handmade with no preservatives or any junk, and almost everything is amazing.
Herein lies my dilemma. I do not live anywhere near a Lush, and not only are their products pricey (though well worth it!) so is shipping. I loathe paying for shipping.
So I decided that I would make my own! I spent a few weeks gathering supplies, some I had to order online, then spent last night making my lushlike creations. They were so easy, and so worth the effort! The fresher these bad boys are the more they fizz, so mine are super fizzy and fabulous. The fragrance I chose is called Monkey Farts, and while a little crass it's a lovely blend of banana, strawberry, kiwi tropicalness. Yum!
Here is the simple recipe, though making these is more of a process than a recipe:
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup Epson Salt
1 cup baking soda
tap water in a spray bottle
mold of some sort (I used round Christmas ornament halves!)
Gel food coloring
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, make sure there are no clumps! add in your fragrance and color to your liking. Mix well. Spritz on two to three sprays of water and mix in well. The grab some in your fist and drop into the bowl. If it lands in the bowl with out breaking, you're ready to mold. If it breaks, repeat the spritzing.
Once you get it to drop without breaking, fill both of your mold haves tightly, then add extra mixture between and press together as hard as you can. Don't twist! The hardened ball should easily pop out of the mold.
Allow to dry for at least 24 hours (though you can use these right away!) before packaging.
I suggest watching some video on bath bomb making on YouTube before you dive in. You'll get a feel of the mixing technique and how the mixture should look before you mold. Have fun!